Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Will that be snot or kittens?

I bet you're sick of kitten pictures by now. Well, it's all I've got. I've hardly been out of the sofa for a week because of a spectacular, noseboggling cold. There's nothing quite like a giant snot fest to start the new year! Makes you give up on the resolutions much quicker. Better for everyone, I'm sure.

At least the kittens are doing well. They've all opened their eyes now (more or less), and some of them are starting to show some personality. (And I don't mean that in the America's Next Top Model way, where apparently, If you're not very loud, you have no personality. Ha. They should visit Norway.)

Isvan, still all white and pink (and the star of the photo above), is a bit of a wimp and squeals all the time. But he's very cute. Niklas is calmer and actually looks at me with those funny, alien eyes of his. Mirja is a fighter and refuses to be pushed away from the teat, even if the others are much bigger than her (and even if Isvan is flailing all around her. Squealing.). The others are more difficult to tell apart so far, but I'm guessing it won't be soon before we recognize their faces well enough.

The photos are by my Pan, and are alittle dark because bright light bothers the little ones. But you can sort of see how cute they are.

Well, there you go! Another full helping of kittens.


Heidi said...

MORE! Yum yum yum...

Christina said...

More pictures of kittens please....
I'm having kitten abstinese.. :-)