Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday list of joys

1. My little Pims is back! There weren't any babies in her belly, so she demanded in no uncertain terms to meet with tomcats again. And she has, and if things work out this time, there will be kittens on Christmas Eve. I'll just have to name them Baby Jesus, Santa, Popelku and..or maybe not.

2. I'm reading a great book! Winterbirth by Brian Ruckley. I haven't gotten very far yet, but far enough to know that he constructs everything to my taste, language, characters, stories and settings, all the while making me forget that it is a construct.

3. I baked some Christmas cookies yesterday, laden with cardamom and cinnamon, chewy in the middle and crisp around the edges. And I'm going to have some with my coffee afterwards.

4. I finished chapter 14, teddyfolk and all. I also started chapter 15, and it looks quite good. Pretty soon, pretty soon, I'll be in the clear, with only unchartered territory in front of me. I've been longing for this, for some wind on my face.

5. The evenings are getting very dark now, which may be depressing to some, but I like it. I like the way people are caught in the dark on their way home from work, how their faces are illuminated by shop windows, and their eyes filled with snuggles and sleep to come. From the street I can look up into the ceilings of strangers, and observe the glow of good lighting or the flimmer of tv-screens or the flicker of cosy candles, and it makes me feel safe and happy that they are safe and happy.

You are, aren't you?


Li:ne said...

I am safe. And I have good lighting, candles and someone to make me dinner after dark.

Elise Murphy said...

I love the idea of a list of Monday joys. It's my dirty little secret that I LOVE Mondays. The kids are back at school, the house is mine, I can write, write, write and I'm not behind on anything yet!

tone almhjell said...

I know! Back when I worked as a reporter, I loathed Mondays, and now I think Monday is the best day of the week, for the exact same reasons you list here. Except I have no kids.

Heidi said...

Kittens on Christmas Eve sounds like my idea of heaven.

tone almhjell said...

Ah, yes, but you don't have to help deliver them. Haha.

Heidi said...

True...I'd be nervous, but still -- KITTENS ON CHRISTMAS! Eyes on the prize and all that.

You could name them after Santa's reindeer; The smallest of the litter would be Rudolph. Unless, of course, it turned out to be a Rudolphina. (Rudolphette?)

tone almhjell said...

Ha, Rudolphina is kind of cool!

I did think about using names from the tv-shows we always watch on Christmas Eve.

Or I could name them after characters in my story, which is a Christmas story, after all. Gwendolen, Theodor, Niklas, Maja. But we'll see.

Or, how about Zuzu (It's a Wonderful life) and Jack (A nightmare before Christmas) and the smallest one could be Tim (Tiny, of course). And Kevin. Haha.

Anonymous said...

And one should be named nanananananananananaaaaaa from three nuts for Cinderella ;)